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Honorarium donations are made in honor of a loved one, a friend, great achievements, events, celebrations, and so much more. To mark your donation in honor of someone or something you care about, simply check the box on the donation form or donation page and list the name or item to be honored.


Thank you for your donation to MOSD in HONOR of these special individuals!

YEAR 2019-2020

May 2021

In Honor of Alanna Oliphant's Graduation by Susan Crumby 


April 2021

In Honor of Callen Hays by Mary Raymer


February 2021

In Honor of Norman Brown for Valentine's Day by Paula Chapman

In Honor of Coy & Janice Webb by J. Houston Gordon


January 2021

In Honor of Laegan Porter by Senatobia Presbyterian Church


December 2020

In Honor of Tim Edwards by Judge Robert Childers

In Honor of Melanie O'Donnell by Stephanie Luttrell


September 2020

In Honor of Olivia Greene by Jerry Greene

In Honor of Walt McAlexander by Tim Edwards

In Honor of Daniel Bell by Tom Bell

In Honor of Walt McAlexander by Cary & Tad Gerlinger

In Honor of Hays Adams by Rachel & Trey Adams

August 2020

In Honor of Hays Adams by Jill Musca

In Honor of Landon Hays by Barbara Cannon

June 2020

In Honor of Beth Picker by Roberta Hefley

In Honor of Jane Russell by Roberta Hefley

June 2020

In Honor of Sam Cross by Johnnie Rush

May 2020

In Honor of Sam Cross by Johnnie Rush

In Honor of Melanie O'Donnell by Spectrum Lighting & Controls

In Honor of Daniel Bell by Kristy Bell

April 2020

In Honor of Catherine Huntington by Joe & Sue McDonald

In Honor of Callen Hays by Mary Raymer

In Honor of Sam Cross by Johnnie Rush

February 2020

In Honor of Sam Cross by Johnnie Rush

In Honor of Dylan Demastus by Susan McMillian 

In Honor of Reagan Miller by Cheryl McCormack 

January 2020

In Honor of Sam Cross by Johnnie Rush

In Honor of Commercial Bank & Trust by The Deupree Family Foundation

December 2019 

In Honor of Sam Cross by Johnnie Rush

In Honor of Reagan Miller by Charlotte & Curt Miller

In Honor of Cate Huntington by Sally Huntington 

In Honor of Melanie O'Donnell by Spectrum Lighting

In Honor of Charly Keane by Jessica Ward 

In Honor of Charly Keane by Sandy Landes

In Honor of Charly Keane by Amy, Steve, Max, and Chris Keane

In Honor of the Incredible Friendships Made at MOSD by Rebecca Smith 

In Honor of Charly Keane by Jessica Carter

In Honor of Kennedy Turner by Kathy Schrader

In Honor of Dylan Demastus by Chris Demastus 

In Honor of Katie McLeod by Joyce Summit

In Honor of Chris & Mary Campbell by Becky & Allen Chambers

In Honor of Jane Russell by Beth Pickler

In Honor of Roberta Hefley by Beth Pickler

In Honor of Rosemary Higginbotham by Beth Pickler

In Honor of Teresa Schwartz by Beth Pickler

In Honor of the MOSD Teachers & Staff by Beth Pickler 

In Honor of Dylan Demastus by Virginia Rodgers 

In Honor of Beth Pickler and Jane Russell by Roberta Hefley 

In Honor of Hays Clarke Adams by Albert Musca

In Honor of Beth & David Pickler by Pam & Kevin Callahan

In Honor of Beth Webb's Birthday by GNO Group

In Honor of Kathy Christiansen by Peggy Larkin 

November 2019 

In Honor of Jacob Layton by Coy Webb

In Honor of Sam Cross by Johnnie Rush

In Honor of Norman Brown by Paula Chapman

In Honor of Paul & Debbie Padawer by George & Betty Johnson

In Honor of Charly Keane by Christy Keane

In Honor of Ella Poppenheimer by Clara Ross

October 2019 

In Honor of Landon Hays by Mary Raymer

In Honor of Dylan Demastus by Cindy Holcomb

In Honor of Dylan Demastus by Joy Bomar

In Honor of Sam Cross by Johnnie Rush


September 2019 

In Honor of Sam Cross by Johnnie Rush

In Honor of Dylan Demastus by Jesse Demastus

In Honor of Noah Hill by Jody Hill

In Honor of Abby Meister by Teri & Mike Meismer

In Honor of Subsidium by Elaine & Alan Hare

In Honor of the Brave Children who Face this World and Conquer Fear to Live Abundantly by Blake Weihrauch


August 2019 

In Honor of Sam Cross by Johnnie Rush

In Honor of Dylan Demastus by Jesse Demastus

In Honor of Noah Hill by Jody Hill

In Honor of Dylan Demastus by Susan & Hurley McMillian


July 2019 

In Honor of Sam Cross by Johnnie Rush

In Honor of Dylan Demastus by Jesse Demastus

In Honor of Noah Hill by Jody Hill


YEAR 2018-2019


June 2019 

In Honor of Sam Cross by Johnnie Rush


May 2019 

In Honor of Sam Cross by Johnnie Rush

In Honor of Erin Jones by Dorothy Campbell


April 2019 

In Honor of Sam Cross by Johnnie Rush

In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. Corey Webb by J. Houston Gordon

In Honor of Greg Morris by Highbar Trading


March 2019 

In Honor of Sam Cross by Johnnie Rush

In Honor of Cate Huntington by Sally Huntington

In Honor of Robert Biggs Edmonds by Susan Edmonds

In Honor of Lisa Terry by Elaine & Bill Dudley 


February 2019 

In Honor of Sam Cross by Johnnie Rush


January 2019

In Honor of Sam Cross by Johnnie Rush

In Honor of Rachel Lunsford by Kay Elkins


December 2018

In Honor of Paul Padawer by George & Betty Johnson

In Honor of Sam Cross by Johnnie Rush

In Honor of Jeremy & Matthew Thacker-Rhodes by Tejesh & Nishel Patel

In Honor of Jeremy & Matthew Thacker-Rhodes by Erica Orrison

In Honor of Jeremy & Matthew Thacker-Rhodes by Brian Olivard

In Honor of MOSD Teachers, Therapists, and Staff by Beth Pickler

In Honor of "The Elves" by Beth Pickler

In Honor of Charla Spark by Beth Pickler

In Honor of Bentley by Jared Woodard


November 2018

In Honor of Cyndi Eaton by Kristen Hallenbeck

In Honor of Rachel Lunsford by Harry Smith

In Honor of Kaid Johnson by Marcia Vaccario

In Honor of Norman Brown Jr. by Paula Chapman


October 2018

In Honor of Sam Cross by Johnnie Rush

In Honor of Sam Cross by Johnnie Rush


September 2018

In Honor of Lisa Terry by Anonymous 


August 2018

In Honor of Teresa Schwartz by John & Dorothy Ewing

In Honor of Sam Cross by Johnnie Rush


July 2018

In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. Perry Ross by Robert Phillips




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