10th Annual SpeakEasy a Huge Success

MOSD's 10th Annual SpeakEasy Auction concluded with a fantastic Live Virtual Event on the evening of May 22nd. We would like to thank all of our fabulous sponsors who made this event possible in spite of another year of going virtual. To make our 10th annual SpeakEasy extra special, MOSD extended the auction and brought you three full weeks of May Mayhem. We had over 90 amazing auction items up for grabs and we would like to thank all of the donors who provided their goods and services to make our auction a huge success. We would also like to thank everyone who visited the auction and bid on items.
We rounded out the May Mayhem with a Live Virtual Event including a live drawing, featured auction items, Hearing Heroes appeal, special videos looking back at our school year and entertainment provided by talented musician, Nick Black. Special thanks to Nick Black and Cheney Media Productions for helping to produce such an engaging and exciting Live Show. We would also like to thank our guest host for the night, auctioneer Ryan Tucker. We can't wait to see his auction prowess again next year when SpeakEasy returns to it's full glory as in-person Gala Event! Mark your calendars for April 30, 2022. We hope to see you all there!
Thanks again to all of our sponsors, Hearing Heroes, auction item donors and auction winners. Together, we raised over $43,000 for the students at MOSD. Outstanding!