Sound Plus is an early intervention and support program designed for families with children up to five years old who have Autism, speech delays, and hearing loss. It is a total communication developmental program, utilizing speech, sign language and AAC.

In our Sound Plus program we provide:
- Language and speech therapy for small-group classes
- Developmental Therapy
- Parent training
Children in Sound Plus participate in three sessions per week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday), each three hours in length (8:30am – 11:30 am). The program follows the school's thematic-based curriculum as well as a Social Thinking curriculum, which is combined with developmental therapy (DT), a specific, individualized, focused intervention and support to promote a child’s motor, cognitive, communication, socio-emotional development, and self-help skills. Classes are small, typically comprised of four students.
Our teachers bring a wealth of knowledge. The class is staffed with one teacher and one teacher assistant who have experience in listening and spoken language, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), utilizing a total communication method of teaching.
What is Total Communication? Total communication is accessible communication that will best support the child’s needs. Methods of communication include speech, American Sign Language (ASL), and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). Examples of AAC include low-tech communication boards and high-tech use of iPads/tablets.

Children in this class participate in the following activities: centers, morning work, snack, circle time, language lessons, social thinking curriculum, pre-academic skills, and recess. Families also join in on family training each week for the last thirty minutes of class on Fridays. They receive regular updates on their child’s progress as well as a Progress Report quarterly.
As children move onto elementary school, the Sound Plus team will have family training discussions, which will include topics about the public-school systems, individualized education plans (IEP), accommodations to ask for, as well as programs in the area. The Sound Plus teachers will meet with families during their parent-teacher conferences to determine each family's individual needs. If needed, Sound Plus teachers will meet with the child's new school to provide support and feedback on the child's needs.
If you have any questions about the Sound Plus family training program at MOSD or have concerns about your child's newly diagnosed hearing loss, please contact:
Carmen Martinez M.A. CCC - SLP
Speech-Language Pathologist (901) 531-6737
Se habla español aquí. Llame a este número (901) 531-6732 para hablar con una terapista bilingüe.
Memphis Oral School for the Deaf is a participating provider and an Early Intervention Resource Agency (EIRA) for TEIS.
*The Sound Plus program is funded partially by TEIS and partially by tuition. For more information reach out to your TEIS coordinator or call Shelly Crais at MOSD (901-531-6727)