12th Annual SpeakEasy Presented by Pickler Companies an Enormous Success!
The 12th Annual SpeakEasy presented by Pickler Companies exceeded all of our expectations, becoming the most successful SpeakEasy in the event's history by raising over $215,000 for our students in a single night!
In an event that was filled with music, dancing, cocktails, gaming, and bidding, the generosity of our attendees stood out the most. We would like to thank all our sponsors, donors, and guests from the bottom of our hearts for pouring out their support and helping our biggest fundraiser of the year reach new heights.
We would also like to send a huge thank you to our volunteers, staff, and board of directors for their efforts in putting SpeakEasy together. Without their work, Saturday night would never have been possible. An event such as SpeakEasy takes an enormous amount of effort and teamwork to pull off, and they stepped up tremendously.
It's because of fundraisers like SpeakEasy that MOSD is able to ensure that no child is ever turned away, regardless of financial situation. Whether you were a guest, donor, sponsor, volunteer, or partner, we mean it when we say that your involvement was crucial not only to our event, but to our mission to help our children listen, learn, and talk.