April 2024 - Themes and Photos
With spring now fully upon us, there are plenty of opportunities for learning in the air! Check out our themes and photos for the month of April for a glimpse into our classrooms!
April 8-12 Transportation
This week focused on all the ways we get from point A to point B, including cars, planes, boats, and more! Activities included a story about a sinking boat, an art project where students made their own hot air balloons, and our annual MOSD Bike Day!
April 15-19 Zoo Animals
Lions, tigers, and bears, oh my! This week we learned all about the different kinds of exotic animals you can find at the zoo! Students learned to identify what sounds each animal makes, what makes each animal unique, and even got to see plenty of these animals in the flesh at the Memphis Zoo!
April 22-26 Farm Animals
We weren't done learning about our furry friends after the zoo; this week, we focused on animals closer to home that can be found on the farm! Our kids learned about animals like ducks, cows, chickens, dogs, and learned what function each animal serves on a farm. Thanks to our friends across the parking lot at First Joy Preschool, we also got to experience a real petting zoo!