It was an exciting first month for our 2023-24 school year at MOSD! It's been great to have the building once again alive and full of sound, and our new Sound Voyagers program has been off to an amazing start. Here's a quick recap of what our students have been focusing on this August, with some pics too!
Aug 8-11 Back to School
This week we got back into the swing of things by engaging in fun Back to School activities. Ms. Cyndi used her cool pink backpack that contains school items to introduce targeted vocabulary for her students, while Ms. Magan's class went on a tour of the building to learn all the different rooms and to remember everyone’s name. Students also discussed their favorite things to do while at school, like circle time, recess, or therapy.
Aug 14-18 All About Me
This week, our students got to share all about themselves! Classes talked about their favorite colors, made friendship bracelets to practice their names, and even made self portraits. This is also a great way for students to practice asking and answering questions. Other activities included learning about left and right, letter recognition, Ms. Jessica's students practiced recognizing their name and the names of their family, and also measured their height to see how much they'd grown!
Aug 21-25 My Body and Our Five Senses
This week was all about things we can feel, see, hear, taste, or smell! Activities included going on a nature walk to observe things that to see and hear around our school, using a “Feely” box to determine what is in the box by using only our sense of touch; and experiencing different smells such as apple, onion, cocoa, vinegar, and lotion.
Aug 28-Sept 1 My House
Finally, our students spent the last week of August talking about their homes! Discussions centered around the different rooms that are in a house such as the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, living room, and backyard. Ms. Magan's class built their own paper houses, and read the story of the Three Little Pigs. Ms. Jessica's class made popsicle drawings of their houses, and also focused on the difference between small houses and big ones.