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MOSD Awarded Assisi Grant

MOSD would like to thank the Assisi Foundation for the generous award of $50,000 to support funding for our MOSD Preschool program.  The Assisi Foundation has been a long-term partner of MOSD, providing critical financial support for many years.   We are thrilled to see our partnership continue through with this new grant award.  With these funds, MOSD will continue to provide high-quality preschool education for children in the Mid-South born deaf and hard of hearing.  We are so thankful to the Assisi Foundation for recognizing the importance of the services provided by MOSD and for valuing our work in the community. 

These funds are awarded as a challenge grant promising an additional award of $50,000 after MOSD raises a matching $50,000 from an alternate source.  Thank you Assisi Foundation! 

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